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Congruent Shapes & Angles

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kind of angle is this?
Acute angle
Right angle
Straight angle
What kind of angle is this?
Obtuse angle
Acute angle
Left angle
What kind of angle is this?
Right angle
Straight angle
Obtuse angle
What kind of angle is this?
Straight angle
Right angle
Left angle
What kind of angle is this?
Straight angle
Right angle
Left angle
What is a straight angle?
An angle that measures 180 degrees (straight line)
An angle that is LESS than 90 degrees
An angle that is MORE than 90 degrees
What kind of angle is this?
Right angle
Straight angle
Obtuse angle
What is a right angle?
An angle that measures 90 degrees
A straight line
A triangle
What kind of angle is this?
Obtuse angle
Acute angle
Right angle
What is an obtuse angle?
An angle that is MORE than 90 degrees
A triangle
An angle that is LESS than 90 degrees
What kind of angle is this?
Acute angle
Obtuse angle
Right angle
What is an acute angle?
An angle that is LESS than 90 degrees
A triangle
An angle that is MORE than 90 degrees
What kind of lines are these?
Intersecting Lines
Parallel Lines
Perpendicular Lines
What kind of lines are these?
Parallel Lines
Intersecting Lines
Perpendicular Lines
What kind of lines are these?
Perpendicular Lines
Parallel Lines
Intersecting Lines
What are perpendicular lines?
Lines that intersect and form a 90 degree angle
A triangle
Lines that do NOT intersect
What are intersecting lines?
Lines that cross
Lines that do NOT intersect
2 lines
What are parallel lines?
Lines that do NOT intersect
Lines that intersect
2 lines
Is this a similar or congruent shape?
Is this a similar or congruent shape?
Is this a similar or congruent shape?
Is this a similar or congruent shape?
Is this a similar or congruent shape?
What are similar shapes?
Shapes with the same shape but different size
Shapes with the same shape and same size
2 triangles
Are these shapes congruent or noncongruent?
Are these shapes congruent or noncongruent?
What is a congruent shape?
Shapes with the same size and shape
Shapes with the same shape
Shapes with the same size