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Creative Writing

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Big Balloons Bounce into the / Big Blue Sky / Up, up, and away / There they go
BANG!!! There goes another building, / BOOM!!! And there go 2 more, Said the man who took target practice / In the seat of a military tank. BAM!!! There goes another.
Confound the cats! All cats--away-- / Cats of all colors, black, white, gray; By night a nuisance and by day-- / Confound the cats! All cats, always.
I'm growing fonder of my staff; / I'm growing dimmer in the eyes; I'm growing fainter in my laugh; / I'm growing deeper in my sighs; Which techniques are being used?
What is the main idea?
The main or central subject of the story
The lesson or moral of the story
Personification is...
Giving non-human things human characteristics
Describing what kind of person a character is
An idiom is...
An old saying
An insult
What is an expository text?
Alliteration is...
Same letter sound at the beginning of or closely adjacent wo
A rhyme
What is viewpoint?
The narrator's position in relation to the story being told
What you are looking at
What is fiction?
Based on imaginary events
Based on fact
What is a hyperbole?
Over exaggeration
What is logos an appeal to?
What is a metaphor?
A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to a
A comparison using like or as
What is theme?
The central thought of a passage
The author's point of view
What is bias?
The subject of a piece of writing
What is an analogy?
A similarity between like features of two things
Comparison using like or as
What is pathos an appeal to?
What does discrete mean?
To be careful about what one says and does
To be loud and boisterous
What is a simile?
A comparison that uses like or as
A similarity between like features of two things, on which a
What is ethos an appeal to?