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Past Tenses
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I have a dog.
I had a dog.
I don't wake up.
I didn't wake up.
I don't go to school.
I didn't go to school.
I don't leave the house.
I didn't leave the house.
I don't play videogames.
I didn't play videogames.
I play videogames.
I played videogames.
I have lunch.
I had lunch.
I have a snack.
I had a snack.
I study.
I studied.
I walk to school.
I walked to school.
I leave the house.
I left the house.
I prepare my schoolbag.
I prepared my schoolbag.
I don't eat breakfast.
I didn't eat breakfast.
I don't have a shower.
I didn't have a shower.
I brush my teeth.
I brushed my teeth,
I get dressed.
I got dressed.
I drink milk.
I drank milk.
I eat cookies.
I ate cookies.
I have breakfast.
I had breakfast.
I go to the kitchen.
I went to the kitchen.
I wash my face.
I washed my face,
I go to the bathroom.
I went to the bathroom.
I get up.
I got up.
I wake up.
I woke up.