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NTT_TJ6_L3_Listening + LFM

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Write the correct form of the verb in the bracket. "I'm not very good at ____________ (make) things."
Write the correct form of the verb in the bracket. "We decided ___________ (go) for a pizza."
to go
Write the correct form of the verb in the bracket. "I tried __________ (get) to class on time but the bus was delayed."
to get
Write the correct form of the verb in the bracket. "You should stop ____________ (smoke), it's not good for your health."
Write the correct form of the verb in the bracket. "What are you plannning on _________ (do) tonight?"
Write the correct form of the verb in the bracket. "I learned _________ (speak) English when I was five."
to speak
Write the correct form of the verb in the bracket. "I'll never forget __________ (meet) you for the first time."
Write the correct form of the verb in the bracket. "Do you mind _____________ (wait) for me?"
Identify what kind of verbal in the sentence. "He thinks to run willl cure his illness."
to run, to-infinitive
Identify what kind of verbal in the sentence. "Running is my favorite sport."
running, gerund
Identify what kind of verbal in the sentence. "Mary believes washing will cure that."
washing, gerund
Identify what kind of verbal in the sentence. "She likes reading very much."
reading, gerund
Identify what kind of verbal in the sentence. "Save the Earth to protect yourself."
to protect, to-infinitive
Identify what kind of verbal in the sentence. "She likes talking too much."
talking, gerund