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Climbing the stairs is not a physical activity?
What is the recommended amount of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day?
1 hour
According to My Healthy Plate, which food group do you fill half of your plate with?
Fruits and vegetables
What is the formula to calculate BMI?
Weight ÷ (Height)
What is the use of the Body Mass Index (BMI)?
To measure body fat
Excessive body fat. Too much fat in the body is called
An obese
If you consume more calories than doing an exercise what will you gain? Muscle or fats
Fats and energy in our body can be called as
What is a PROBLEM associated with being overweight?
What are some of the limitations/special considerations of using BMI?
Doesn't actually tell you if you are healthy
Which weigh's more? Fat or muscle
This person has a BMI of 31. Is he considered obese?
What are the risks having a high BMI?
obese/diabetes/heart disease/High blood pressure
What is a healthy/ ideal BMI?
Between 18-24
What does BMI stand for?
Body mass index