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Vocabulary #4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1I have many wounded
2 wounded in an accident
1 I have Shack in the woods
2 i have Shack
1 my dad almost always gives me a reward for studying
2 my mom almost always gives me a reward for studying
1 I wear second-hand clothes
2 my aunt buys clothes second-hand
1 destroy my drawing
2 destroy mi room
1 i have overcome the world
2 I have surpassed my achievements
1my dad has many achievements
2I want to have achievements
1 my mom dedicates letters to me
2 my dad loves dedications
1 my mom has a Bucket list
2 my dad has a Bucket list
1 The Wishing Fountains are magical
2 The Wishing Fountains are magical
2 find the treasure
2 i love the treasure
1 my dad has weirdly shaped branches
2 I need branches for the fireplace
1 my bracelet is gold
2 my earrings are gold
1I wish to have money
2 wishes to have a dog
1i love the Scheme
2I don't understand the scheme
1 my Target is to be the best in the class
2 I gave the target
1 my mom is very motivation
2 my dad is very very motivation
1.the correct Direction is here
2.I think I got confused about Direction
1.my dad is Ambition
2. my friend is very Ambition
1.i am Achiever
2.my mom is Achiever