Edit Game
Grade 4 Week 5 Day 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Part of MS Excel that contains one or more worksheets. What part of MS Excel is this?
Recognized by its green outline when select it inside the worksheet. What part of MS Excel is this?
Active Cell
Part of Excel Worksheet, identified by using numbers 1 to 1048576
Row Numbers
Part of in Excel Worksheet and also identified using letters from A to XFD
Column Letters
Part of MS Excel located above the worksheet, displays the contents of the active cell;  used for entering or editing data and formulas.
Formula Box
Part of MS Excel that located next to the formula bar, it displays the cell reference or the name of the active cell.
Name Box/ Cell Name Box
This is part of Ribbon that contains tools for inserting functions, defining names, and controlling the calculation options. What part of Ribbon is this?
Formulas Tab
Part of Ribbon that provides tools to manage the worksheet appearance, both onscreen and printed; tools control theme settings, gridlines, page margins, object aligning, and print area. What part of Ribbon is this?
Page Layout Tab
This is part of the Ribbon that used for adding different objects in a worksheet, images, charts, PivotTables, hyperlinks, special symbols, equations, headers, and footers.
Insert Tab
These are strip of buttons and icons located above the worksheet; these buttons and icons activate the various features of the program. What part of MS Excel is this?
Located at the extreme right top corner of the Excel window;  functions of both left button and a right button are the same; used to minimize and close the Excel program window. What part of MS Excel is this?
Excel window control buttons
A part of MS Excel that displays both the application’s name and the spreadsheet’s name
Title Bar
Part of MS Excel that we can add frequently used commands to the top of the Excel screen to make our work faster. What part of MS Excel is this?
Quick Access Toolbar
How many number of Column Letter in MS Excel?
How many number of Rows in MS Excel?
What part of the MS Excel is this?
Row Number