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Guess the movie/book

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A magically flying boy who doesn’t want to grow up forms a friendship with an ordinary girl whom he takes to visit his place called Neverland.
'Peter Pan and Wendy'
A boy wins a golden ticket to enter the popular workplace of their town’s eccentric candymaker.
'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'
Four young siblings get into a professor’s house where they discover an old cabinet that leads out to Narnia, a mysterious magical land with strange creatures.
'The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe'
This is the collection of stories about a honey-obsessed teddy bear and his friends, Piglet, Eeyore, Owl, and Rabbit.
'Winnie the Pooh'
A teen girl falls in love with a moody vampire.
In this science fiction novel, the nobility of a future society battle each other for control of a planet containing "spice."
A young prince goes crazy while trying to avenge his father's murder.
A mad scientist creates an intelligent but awful creature and regrets it.
Young people compete in a deadly competition for the entertainment of the rich elites.
"The Hunger Games"
A hungry caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly.
"The Very Hungry Caterpillar"
A boy wizard attends a magical school while the world is under threat from an evil wizard.
"Harry Potter"
This epic novel explores the events leading up to Napoleon's failed invasion of Russia.
"War And Peace"
A humble civil servant resists the terrifying totalitarian society he lives in.
A strange murder in The Louvre museum in Paris gets two academics caught up in a deadly religious mystery.
"The DaVinci Code"
A great white shark terrorizes a resort town.
A short creature with hairy feet has an adventure with a  wizard.
A spider tries to save the life of a pig she's friends with.
"Charlotte's Web"