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Where did Judaism originate?
What is the symbol of Judaism?
The Star of David
Who is the founder of Judaism?
What is a bar mitzvah? What is it called for girls?
The religious initiation ceremony of a Jewish boy who has reached the age of thirteen. Bat Mitzvah. Means "son/daughter of the commandment"
What is Hannukah?
8 day festival of lights--celebrates the re-dedication of the temple (enough oil for one night lasted 8)
What is Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur?
Festivals that celebrate the Jewish New Year (marked by fasting & prayers of repentence)
What does the menorah symbolize? How many branches does it have?
symbolizes light; 8 branches- one branch for each of the six days of creation, and one for Sabbath
What does the Star of David symbolize?
Shield of David; will to survive, source of pride
What is Shabbat?
the Sabbath (begins Friday at sunset, ends Saturday at sundown)
Name some dietary laws of Kashruth (eating kosher).
meat comes from animals that have split hooves & chew their cud (cows, sheep, goats, OK; pigs, NO), meat and dairy separated, animals slaughtered humanely, etc
What is a rabbi?
A Jewish scholar or teacher, especially of the law; a person appointed as a Jewish religious leader.
What is a synagogue?
A place for congregational worship that emerged during the Exile and became important in the period after the destruction of the temples in 586 BCE and 70 CE.
What is a covenant?
As used in the Bible, a solemn and binding agreement (promise) between God and humanity.
Name 2 symbols of Judaism.
The Menorah & The Star of David
What is Judaism's most sacred text?
The Torah (The Five Books of the Law)
True/False: Judaism is a polytheistic religion.
False: Judaism is monotheistic- one God.