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Harry Moves to the Third Grade (S3)

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was weird about Harry's action to Sidney at the end of the book?
Harry and Sidney were usually enemies, but this time Harry hugged Sidney and felt happy that Sidney did not get lost in the mine.
Find the sentence in the book that shows Sidney went to the bathroom
P.57: "What's everyone so upset about? I just had to go to the can."
Why did Sidney disappear?
He went to the bathroom.
How did Harry revenge Sidney?
He put the burnt hotdog on Sidney's shoulder and Sidney thought he pulled Harry's finger off.
How did Sidney scare Doug?
He pretended to be Starkley's ghost
Why did Doug ask how much longer that group would stay underground?
Because he was afraid and he wanted to leave the mine soon.
TRUE/FALSE: Song Lee loved rocks and wanted to become a miner when she grew up.
How did Doug feel when he heard the news that the class would go to the mine?
He was afraid.
What crimes did the prisoners who worked in the mine commit? (at least 3 crimes)
horse thieves, counterfeiters, and burglars
Who worked in the mine in the 1700s?
Who worked in the mine in the 1700s?
Who worked in the mine in the 1700s?
What did Miss Mackle mean when she said "Spend your money wisely"?
She meant that they should not spend all money on soda and candies.
TRUE/FALSE: Harry planned what to do before he stole the burnt hotdog.
FALSE: He only knew what to do with the burnt hotdog after Sidney scared Doug.
What did Harry tell Doug to make him not afraid of walking through the mine?
Harry told Doug to think he was a spider who loved cool, dark places.
What did Doug admit to Harry before the trip to the mine?
Doug admitted that he actually never went down into the copper mine because he was afraid.