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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I really enjoy chess when I was younger, but I _________ very often. (A. used to play/ B. didn't use to play)
B. didn't use to play
My dad _________ dinner every evening, but now my sister and I usually do it. (A. used to cook/ B. didn't use to cook)
A. used to cook
I _______ milk with every meal, but now I always have water. (A. used to drink/ B. didn't use to drink)
A. used to drink
My sister ______ books a lot, but now she prefers playing games. (A. used to read/ B. didn't use to read)
A. used to read
That shop _______ computers. It was a bookshop then. (A. used to sell/ B. didn't use to sell)
B. didn't use to sell
I __________ the guitar before. I just started learning it last week. (A. used to play / B. didn't use to play)
B. didn't use to play
You can buy a phone quite cheaply now. They ________ (cost) more.
used to cost
They _______ (live) in Canada. Then they moved to Vietnam.
used to live
Long ______ (listen) to CDs a lot.
used to listen
I ________ (not be) a rock fan, but now I am.
didn't use to be
He ______ (not wear) glasses.
didn't use to
When she was a teenager, Robin _______ (dye) her hair.
used to dye
Sarah ________ (have) long hair when she lived in London.
used to have
I ______ (be) thin when I was 6.
used to be
I ________ (wear) baggy clothes when I was younger.
used to wear