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P1 WS (6-4) present continuous tense

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a sentence in present continuous tense: She / spin
She is spinning.
Make a sentence in present continuous tense: The man / yell
The man is yelling.
Make a sentence in present continuous tense: The man / swim
The man is swimming.
They _________ notes in the lesson.
are passing
is passing
The surgeons __________ a surgery.
are doing
is doing
The dentist ___________ the teeth.
is checking
are checking
They __________ in the library.
are reading
is reading
The chef __________.
is baking
is bakeing
are baking
The dog _____________.
is driving
are driving
Make a sentence in present continuous tense: The dinosaur / play/ golf
The dinosaur is playing golf.
Make a sentence in present continuous tense: She/ listen/ to/ music.
She is listening to music.
She _____________ the flowers.
is smelling
are smelling
They _______.
are hiking
is hiking
are hikeing
What is the fireman doing? He___ ________ (put) a fire.
is putting
What are you doing? We ___ ________ (have) a party.
am having
What are you doing? I ___ ________ (eat) a pizza.
am eating
What are you doing? I ___ ________ (play) basketball.
am playing