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Portal 2 _Module 4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I love this book. I take it somewhere / everywhere I go.
Did you know no one / anyone at Lucy's party?
I know my keys are somewhere / anywhere in my bag but I can't find them.
This town is so boring. There's nowhere / nothing to do around here.
He's very famous. Nobody / Everybody knows him.
I think there is everyone / someone in the house. I can see lights in there.
There are some / no good films on TV today.Let's go out and play.
There are no good films on TV today.Let's go out and play.
They didn't have any / some crisps so I got us some / any popcorn.
They didn't have any crisps so I got us some popcorn.
These bags are too heavy. Would you like some / any help?
These bags are too heavy. Would you like some help?
Where ..........(Tom / go) when you saw him?
Where was Tom going when you saw him?
Jill ........(wait) for me while I ....(get) ready.
Jill was waiting for me while I was getting ready.
Greg .........(talk) on the phone when I ........(come) home.
Greg was talking on the phone when I came home.
While we.......(walk) down Maple Street, a man ........(ask) us for direction.
While we were walking down Maple Street, a man asked us for direction.
I.........(sprain) my ankle while I ......(train).
I sprained my ankle while I was training.
The firefighter went into the building and noticed / rescued the people from the fire.
Take an umbrella with you.There are grey clouds in the sky / land.
I was reading a book when , suddenly / immediately , the lights in my room went out.
We heard the fire alarm and then we saw scream / smoke coming out of the kitchen.
Mun, I don't feel very well. Can you come and pick / wake me up from school?
You can easily get lost/ locked in the big city.
Sue isn't good at rollerblading. She fell / crashed into a tree.
My brother and I had an accident / arguement. He took my tablet without asking.