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Ancient Greek Review

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What was one difference between men in Sparta vs Athens
In Sparta, they had to join the military and learn battle strategies along with going to military school at the age of 7.
What was one similarity between men in Athens and Sparta
Both of them went to school, had to take military training, and they could participate in government
Explain what life was like living in Athens as a man.
Went to school to learn reading, writing, math, history, public speaking, music, and philosophy.
What was one difference of living in Athens as a woman vs Sparta?
They could not leave the house without a male escort, could not participate in government, and had less freedom than women in Sparta.
What was one difference between living as a woman in Sparta vs Athens?
In Sparta, women had more freedom, could own property, own goods, and were expected to be athletic.
Explain one similiarity of living in Sparta as a woman and in Athens
Both had to learn how to cook, manage a household, and support their sons and husbands 
What ended the Trojan War?
The Greeks sent a wooden horse to the Trojans as a gift when it was a trap, they burned down the city of Troy
_______ was a well known warrior that fought against the Trojans
What was one result of the Persian War?
Persia fell to the allied Greek forces led by Alexander. The Greeks had won a war that many believed would be an impossible fight. With the Persian Empire in de
Name the 3 seas that surround the main island of Greece.
Ionian Sea, Aegean Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea
What was one cause of the Persian War?
Athens sent warships to assist in their efforts but were defeated by the Persians under the leadership of King Darius. An angry Darius wanted to seek revenge fo
What was a result of the Peloponnesian War?
1. Sparta would rule Greece as victors of the war 2. Athens became part of the Sparta’s territory and no longer was it’s own city-state.
Why was the Delian league formed by Athens and Sparta?
They united in order to protect the Greeks from the Persian empire
Explain what started the Trojan war
Helen, wife of a Greek king, was kidnapped by Paris, a Trojan Prince
Athens was known for having a strong....
Sparta emphasized _____ in their education.
What is a Pennisula?
An area of land surrounded by water on three sides.
What is a direct democracy?
A type of government where citizens voted and made decisions and share power.
What is a Phalanx?
A type of fighting technique that Spartans had used where they fought side by side.
What is a Polis?
A Greek city state.
What is a Delian League?
A league that Sparta and Athens had formed
What is a myth?
A story about gods, goddesses, and heroes that is passed down over time.
What is an Olicharcy?
Type of government where two kings ruled at a time, along with a council of elders and the assembly.