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Vocabulary 4 unit 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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MRI scans: a medical examination performed with an MR scanner.
Noun: He is doing a MRI scan
throughout: in or to every part of; everywhere in
Verb: throughout time humanity has evolved
grow: to increase by natural development
Verb: The grow technologically is necesary.
to guess: to arrive at or commit oneself to an opinion about (something) without having sufficient evidence to support the opinion fully
Verb: If I were to guess at it I should say he was a detective.
injuries: harm or damage that is done or sustained
Noun: These injuries consist of tiny tears in parts of the tendons and muscle coverings.
heart: a hollow, pumplike organ of blood circulation
Noun: The heart is a muscles.
brain: the part of the central nervous system enclosed in the cranium
noun: a brain tumor removal operation is called a craniotomy.
crawly legs: legs crawly legs
adjective/noun: Spiders have crawly legs
still: remaining in place or at rest
Verb: he still stay silent.
travel: to go from one place to another
Verb: Usually the travel agency will arrange deals with one or two shops in each tourist city.
bad grade: not good in any manner or degree.
Noun: Hi is a student with a bad grade.
amazing: causing great surprise or sudden wonder
Adjective: The most amazing thing about these performances is that they were all improvised.
worried about: having or characterized by worry
Verb: She allways worried about them.
scared of: filled with fear, terror, or dread, often suddenly
Verb: Kids are often scared of the dark.
interested in: having an interest in something
Verb: Who exactly is interested in another lesson?
good at: satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree
adjective/adverb: I was never any good at chess.
excited about: stirred emotionally
Verb: My boss, is very exited about the new partnership with this project.
different from: not alike in character or quality
adjective/adverb: I wasn't all that different from them.
better at: of superior quality or excellence
adjective/adverb: How to get better in sports?
Afraid of: feeling fear
verb: He was afraid of cats.