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vocabulary 4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1. In the hospital there wounded
2. my friend is wounded
1. The shack is tiny
2. Some shack are built of wood
1. My mom give me and my brother a reward
2. There are rewars good and reward bad
1. This shirt is the secondhand
2. This toy is the secondhand
1. Your cat destroy your homework
2. My brother destroys my legos
1. I overcome my goals
2. You overcome your goals
1. Having an achievement is very good
2. An achievement is a triumph
1. I´m dedicate study
2. My brother is dedicated to his homework
1. I have a bcket list
2. My brother hve a bucket list
1. The national palace have a fountain very big
2. The fountain have water
1. The pirates were looking treasures
2. The treasures have precious things
1. You are looking for a branches for your task
2. Some branches have false information
1. In dubai you see a lot of gold
2. gold is very expensive
1. I have a lot wishes
2. My family has wishes
1. I have many target
2. My brother have a target
1. You make a scheme
2. Bosses make scheme of the company
1. Your family motivates you avery day
2. My parents motivate me and my brother
1. Leaders direction a group
2. You direction your plans
1. The rich person is ambitions.
2. some people have a lot of ambition
1. We all are achiever
2. You are successful