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Princess and exercise

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I have very long hair. Which princess am I?
Rapunzel - pretend to go under the bridge then be the bridge
I pretended to be my father and fought the war. Which princess am I?
Mulan - lunge at the enemy
I rode a magic carpet ride. Which princess am I?
Jasmine - ride the magic carpet
I slept for a hundred years. Which princess am I?
Sleeping Beauty - Sit-ups like you just woke up
I lived with the 7 dwarves in the woods. Which princess am I?
Snow White - march like the dwarves
I wore but left my glass slipper on the steps as I left the ball. Which princess am I?
Cinderella - go up and down the stairs and find that glass slipper
I am Elsa's sister and I go on lots of adventures. Which princess am I?
Anna -jump down from the mountain to save Elsa
I can make snowmen. Which princess am I?
Elsa- roll down the snowy hill like a log
I like to read books and I am kind to the one they call beast. Which princess am I?
Belle - Beauty - Gallop like a horse to go save the beast
I love to swim. I am a mermaid. Which princess am I?
Ariel, the little mermaid. Now swim like a mermaid.