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Advanced final Module review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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tell us about your weekend using the past tenses (simple past, past continuous and past perfect)
complete the sentence with past perfect: When I arrived at the cinema, the film_______(start)
the film had started
how do you describe a hard-working person?
She doesn't have any doubst about her abilities. she is a)ambitious b)confident c)enthusiastic
Is this sentence passive or active? Joe Langley gave me your name.
How is a cup of coffe made? (use passive)
water is boiled, sugar is poured, etc.
What are some green ideas being implemented in your workplace?
various answers
make a sentence using this phrasal verb "cut down" (use it in any tense you like)
I need to cut down on sugar. | All companies are cutting down on paper use.
Due to a fault the vehicle manufacturer is RECALLING/RESOLVING all cars made in 2008.
All our computer systems are DOWN/DEFECT and we are unable to deal with costumer enquires.
Azteca Stadium is where...
the America plays. | they have concerts | people did their UNAM admissions exam. etc.
The person who painted the Gioconda was....
Leonardo DaVinci.
new and original: a)revolutionary b)innovative c)original
Complete the sentence with the superlative form of the adjective. Our company is __________(big) tool company in the country.
Our company is THE BIGGEST tool company in the country.
correct the mistake in the superlative. Microsoft is the more influential company in the world.
Microsoft is THE MOST influential company in the world.
something that gets in the way: a)Obstacle b)Failure c)Concept
Complete the sentence. If my boss sends me an email,....
I reply it immediately. | I ignore it and continue working., etc.
order the sentence. me / you / offer / let / make / an
Let me make you an offer.
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word. Our company is very ______ because we vote on every decision we make.(democracy)
What would you do if you had more free time?
I would...