Edit Game
Subjects and Predicates Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Identify the simple predicate in this sentence: Kenny and Ann are going to have dinner at the restaurant.
are going to have
Identify the complete predicate in this sentence: Kenny and Ann are going to have dinner at the restaurant.
are going to have dinner at the restaurant
Identify the complete subject in this sentence: Kenny and Ann are going to have dinner at the restaurant.
Kenny and Ann
Identify the simple predicate in this sentence: A microwave and a blender cannot both fit on the counter in my kitchen.
Identify the complete predicate in the sentence: A microwave and a blender cannot both fit on the counter in my kitchen.
cannot both fit on the counter in my kitchen.
Identify the complete subject in this sentence: A microwave and a blender cannot both fit on the counter in my kitchen.
a microwave and a blender
Add a simple predicate to this sentence: My mom's best friend Lynn _________ cards with our family.
any acceptable verb is correct
Identify the complete predicate in this sentence: My mom's best friend Lynn plays cards with our family.
plays cards with our family
Identify the complete subject in this sentence: My mom's best friend Lynn plays cards with our family.
My mom's best friend Lynn
A complete sentence is an independent clause. What must a complete sentence have in it?
subject and verb
Identify the simple predicate in this sentence: The old house on the corner has a big garden in the backyard.
Identify the complete predicate in this sentence: The old house on the corner has a big garden in the backyard.
has a big garden in the backyard
Identify the complete subject in this sentence: The old house on the corner has a big garden in the backyard.
the old house on the corner
The predicate tells us:
what the subject is doing
What is the subject of a sentence?
Who or what the sentence is talking about
The simple predicate is the:
(main) verb
Add a simple predicate to this sentence: I _________ pizza with sausage and pepperoni.
any acceptable verb is correct
What is the complete predicate in this sentence: I enjoy pizza with sausage and pepperoni.
enjoy pizza with sausage and pepperoni
What is the complete subject in this sentence: I enjoy pizza with sausage and pepperoni.
What is the complete predicate in this sentence: My cat ate his food so fast he threw it up.
ate his food so fast he threw it up
What is the complete subject in this sentence: My cat ate his food so fast he threw it up.
My cat
What is the simple predicate in this sentence: The hungry squirrel raced up the tree for some berries.
What is the complete predicate in this sentence: The hungry squirrel raced up the tree for some berries.
raced up the tree for some berries
What is the complete subject in this sentence: The hungry squirrel raced up the tree for some berries.
The hungry squirrel