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Climate Quiz Study Guide

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which climate is characterized by year-round heat and heavy rainfall?
Which climate is only found in the Northern Hemisphere, is characterized by constantly changing weather, and experiences warm summers and cold winters?
temperate continental
Which climate is covered with ice and snow and is ALWAYS at or below freezing?
ice caps
Which type of climate is a desert, receiving less than 10 inches of rainfall each year?
Measurement of distance from the equator; often is the factor in climate zones.
Identify three effects of global warming on the planet.
more frequent & severe storms, rising sea levels, flooding, food shortages, extinction of some animal species, widespread illnesses
What human activity is contributing to climate change? Name three.
burning fossil fuels, increased farming activity (livestock & fertilizer), deforestation
What is the process that occurs when gases in the Earth’s atmosphere trap the Sun’s heat, regulating temperatures on the surface of the Earth?
Greenhouse Effect
The consistent pattern of weather conditions in a region over a long period of time (years)
Which climate can be found at the edge of a desert and receives just enough rainfall for short grasses to grow?
The condition of the atmosphere at a particular location for a short period of time.
Which climate is characterized by short, cool summers followed by long, freezing winters?
polar tundra
Which climate is characterized by high, mountainous areas that are cooler than the lower areas around them?
What are the two MAIN influences on climate?
temperature & precipitation
Lines of latitude divide the Earth into three climate zones. What are the three climate zones?
Tropical, Polar, Temperate