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Natural Science Unit 1: Cells

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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name 2 examples of non-seed plants
ferns, mosses
What are the two types of seed pants?
flower/fruit plants and cone plants
What does elaborated sap contain?
nutrients for the palnt
What enters the leaf during photosynthesis? What is expelled?
enters: CO2 and sunlight; expelled: oxygen
What are the small holes in leaves called?
How do plants interact?
roots grow towards water, sunflowers move with the sunlight
What does oviviviparous mean?
animals reproduce with eggs that hatch inside the mother's body
What does viviparous mean?
animals that reproduce by growing their young inside the mother's body
what does oviparous mean?
animals that reproduce by laying eggs
What systems do animals use for nutrition? (Name 2)
digestive system, respiratory system, excretory system
which systems do animals use for INTERACTION?
locomotor and nervous system
what is the function of root hairs?
increase the area of the root that is in contact with the soil
Where does photosynthesis take place in a plant?
the leaves
What's an example of a plant system?
Vascular system
Whats an example of a plant organ?
what do plants need for photosynthesis?
sunlight, water, mineral salts, and carbon dioxide
What shape are plant cells?
rectangular or polygonal
What is the shape of nerve cells?
What process happens when male and female reproductive cells join?
what do nerve cells do?
Transmit nerve impulses from the brain to different parts of the body
What do red blood cells do?
Carry oxygen from the lungs, to the muscles, to the organs
Give an example of a system in humans, and what it does
Put these in order from smallest to largest: tissue, cells, systems, organs
cells, tissue, organs, systems
Give an example of a multicellular organism
trees, butterflies...
What's an example of a unicellular organism?
Bacteria, yeast
What substance is inside of chloroplasts?
What does unicellular mean?
organism with only one cell
True or False: Plant cells have cytoplasm and vacuoles
Which organelles/cell parts CAN'T be found in an animal cell? (there are 2!)
cell wall, chloroplasts
what is the cytoplasm?
a thick, clear, liquid that is made of salts and water
what does the membrane do?
surrounds the cell, controls what goes in and out of cell
what does the nucleus do?
controls everything that happens in the cell
how do cells reproduce?
they divide
What are the basic life processes?
interaction, nutrition, reproduction