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Class review Grade 7

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How can I prevent getting a non infectious illness? Name 3 ways.
Excersise regularly, have a healthy diet, have good self esteem, be responsible, etc.
Which type of medicine can I take to relieve pain in my body like a headache? Name a specific medicine, aswell as the type.
Painkiller: Buprex, Paracetamol, ibuprofen
Which type of medicine can I take to cure an infection like Salmonellosis (food poisoning)?
Which type of medicine can I take to prevent an illness like COVID?
What are the 3 types of medicine?
Painkillers, antibiotics, vaccines.
What are allergies?
An exagerrated reaction to a foreign substance.
How can I prevent getting a contagious illness?
Wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands frequantly, don't touch your eyes/ears/mouth.
If a snake bites me, what type of non infectious illness might I get?
An example of a cardiovascular disease is?
Blocked arteries, heart disease, stroke.
What is more important, physical or mental health? Why?
Both are very important. You cannot have one without the other.
What type of illness is depression?
Mental illness
An illness which can be passed from my parents is called?
Congenital disease
If I eat too many sweet and fatty foods, what can I develop?
If I do not eat enough food, and do not have enough vitamins and minerals, what is it called?
Are broken bones an infectious or non infectious illness?
Non infectious
How can I be infected with an illness?
Infectious agents can enter my mouth, eyes, ears, nose, through contact or the air.
Is Diabetes contagious?
No, it cannot be passed from an ill person to a healthy one,
Name an illness that is both infectious and contagious.
Covid, Influenza, etc.
Name an illness that is infectious, but not contagious.
Tetanus, Salmonellosis,etc.
Is cancer contagious?
No, it cannot be passed from an ill person to a healthy one,
Name 3 symptoms of Food poisoning.
stomachache, vomiting, diarrhea.
Name 3 symptoms of COVID.
Fever, headache, shortness of breath, loss of smell, loss of taste.
What are symptoms?
Your bodies alarm system telling you that an infectious agent has entered.
What is a contagious illness?
An illness which can be passed from an ill person to a healthy person.
Name the 4 infectious agents?
Protozoa, virus, fungi, bacteria
What is an infectious illness?
An illness which is caused by an infectious agent.