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Turing isn't used to working whith other persons. (spelling and vocabulary)
Turing isn't used to working with other people.
Turing becames mathematitian. (grammar)
Turing becames mathematitian. (grammar)
It was presented to FIlm Festival of Venice in 2021.(grammar)
It was presented at the FIlm Festival of Venice in 2021.
Even if the prison is being decomissioned, but a dozen of prizoners will remain here. (grammar)
Even if the prison is being decomissioned, a dozen of prizoners will remain here. (grammar)
After being escaped from a trick organized by Goldfinger to kill him, Bond finds out the evil plan. (grammar)
After having escaped from a trick organized by Goldfinger to kill him, Bond finds out the evil plan.
Bond wins and gets in touch with Jill who passes the night with. (vocabulary and grammar)
Bond wins and gets in touch with Jill with who he spends the night (vocabulary and grammar)
The story tells about the explorer Hugh Glass. (vocabulary)
The story talks about the explorer Hugh Glass.
'Revenant' was very successful in the cinemas, indeed he was nominated for 12 Oscars. (grammar)
'Revenant' was very successful in the cinemas, indeed it was nominated for 12 Oscars.
I watched this film when i was a child and i loved it. (spelling)
I watched this film when I was a child and I loved it.
Forest has some phisical and mental problems. (spelling)
Forest has some physical and mental problems.
He was trying not to say him the truth of their condition. (grammar)
He was trying not to tell him/say to him the truth about their condition.
Guido Orefice begins to protect the son. (grammar)
Guido Orefice begins to protect his son.
Jackson Maine is a rockstar that he makes a concert every day. (grammar and vocabulary)
Jackson Maine is a rockstar that plays a concert every day.
The film is a remake of a drama film 'A Star is Born' was directed in 1937 by William A. Wellman. (grammar)
The film is a remake of a drama film 'A Star is Born' directed in 1937 by William A. Wellman.