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Who hosts CNN 10?
Carl Azuz
What two teams were in the Super Bowl yesterday?
Los Angeles Rams and Cincinnati Bengals
Where is the 2022 Winter Olympics?
Beijing, China
What was the score of the Super Bowl yesterday?
23 - 20
People of Rapa Nui believed that ritual scarification would do what?
Increase their spiritual power
What island used Shark’s-tooth spear as one of their weapons?
What island used leg bones to create spear tips?
Totokia club is often called a Pineapple club but is actually based on what flower?
What are the Maoi statues of Rapa Nui believed to represent?
Living faces of the past
Which way do the Moai Statues of Rapa Nui face?
Backs to the sea
What weapon made Papua New Guinea different from the other islands?
Bow and Arrow
What was the paddle-shaped club that was used to break bones and cut flesh called?
What island used porcupinefish as helmets?
What was the name of the weapon that was never used as a weapon?
For Pacific islanders getting a tattoo here showed themes such as generosity, sincerity, honor, and reconciliation.
Higher trunk
Where did Pacific islanders get tattoos if they were a creative person?
Lower arms and hands
Where did Pacific islanders get tattoos if they were full of life’s energy and courage?
Lower Trunk
Where did Pacific islanders get tattoos on their bodies representing strength and bravery?
Upper arms and shoulders
Where did Pacific islanders get tattoos on their bodies representing moving forward, transformation and progress?
Legs and feet
Where did Pacific islanders get tattoos on their bodies that show themes such as spirituality, knowledge, wisdom, and intuition?
Power passes through the women in the culture. One of the dances is a ceremony after the birth of a child to honor the mother.
The dance movements demonstrate joy and creativity with lots of energy and fast movements. The dances are often a celebration of family which is very important to the culture. 
The dance movements are meant to be aggressive, show strength, unity, and electrify the atmosphere. It is disrespectful to laugh while performing this dance
The Haka
Males originally used the poi balls to strengthen their wrists for battle, but the females Incorporated the use of poi balls into their dance
Ceremonial hostess selected by the high chief called the Taupou performs a slow dance in front while 2-3 males represent ghosts who are trying to distract her from her dance
What three instruments were used for traditional Pacific Island tattoos?
hāhau (tapping stick), moli (tattoo tool), apu paʻu (ink bowl)
Name the six body locations where the people of the Pacific got their tattoos.
Head, Higher trunk, Lower trunk, Upper arms and shoulders, Lower arms and hands, Legs and feet