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EP2 Quarter 4 Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What the main language spoken in Thailand?
Yi Peng Festival is also called the Northern Thai _______ Festival.
Old Northern Thai houses (Kalae houses) were built using ______.
What do we call this Northern Thai style of building?
Kalae House
What do we call this popular Northern Thai celebration?
Poy Sang Long Festival
What do we call this popular Northern Thai celebration?
Yi Peng Festival
What do we call this popular Northern Thai food? (in ENGLISH)
Northern Thai Sausage
What do we call this popular Northern Thai food? (in ENGLISH)
Northern Thai Curry w/ Chicken
What do we call this popular Northern Thai food? (in ENGLISH)
Crispy Pork Skins
This is an example of ___________ Thai clothing.
TRUE or FALSE-The Khantoke dinner is part of Southern Thai culture.
FALSE-Northern Thai Culture
Where is Chiang Mai located in Thailand?
Northern Thailand
Which culture did Master Tim grow up in?
American Culture
Culture is music, art, food & ____________.