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Animal Habitats

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This wild animal is an arachnid. It has eight legs, and sometimes we can see it in our houses.
This animal is an insect that lives in the forest. It can fly and it comes in many different colors.
This wild animal is called "the kind of the savanna". It likes to eat zebras and other animals.
This reptile is a wild animal. It's very dangerous and poisonous. It has no legs.
This mammal is very tall. It lives in the savanna and it likes to eat plants, flowers and fruit.
This wild animal is the biggest animal living on the land on our planet. It's a mammal that lives in the savanna. It likes to eat plants and leaves.
This reptile is a wild animal, but some people have it as a pet. It moves very slowly and it`s very calm.
A lot of people have this pet. It likes to play a lot!
Many people like this pet. It lives in the water, so you have to keep it in an aquarium.
This pet is very calm. It likes to eat and sleep all day.
This reptile is a wild animal and it`s very ferocious. They live on land, but they like to stay in the water for a long time.
Alligator or crocodile.
It`s a green bird that can repeat what people say. It`s a wild animal, but some people have it as a pet.
This wild animal lives in the forest. It`s a mammal that likes to eat bananas and other fruit.
It`s a wild animal that lives in the forest. It`s very colourful and it has a long beak.
This farm animal produces the milk we drink.
This farm animal is usually pink and likes to play in the mud.
It's a farm animal. This bird can walk, fly and swim. It's white and it has yellow feet and a yellow beak.
It's a farm animal. It looks like a horse.
It's a farm animal and it's a mammal. People like to ride it for fun or competitions. This animal's name starts with letter H.
It's a farm animal that lays eggs and likes to eat corn.