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What is a fracture?
Broken bone
What is the type of initial treatment for a serious soft tissue injuries.
Sprain ankle
What type of Injury has this person suffered
broken nose
What are the symptoms of concussion?
What type of injury has the person in this image suffered?
Hamstring injuries
What increases the risk of being injured in sport?
Contact sport
What causes Blisters?
Small shoe size / wearing it too long on a hot temperature day
What is the correct term for a cut / graze?
The most common sports injury?
Sprain ankle
Also known as a bruise.
Milk, chocolate and banana are the following foods are rich in Calcium
Which nutrients is needed to keep your bones healthy?
What of the following sports injuries would be treated based on the picture.
What does the acronym RICE stand for?
Rest, Ice Compression, Elevation