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A Long Walk to Water

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name one struggle Nya faced in the book.
lack of water, long walk to water, no shoes/thorns
Who was the man who started the water project in Nya's village?
How does Salva find out that his father is still alive?
He gets an email from his cousin.
Who survives in Salva's family?
his parents and one of his brothers
Who are the Lost Boys?
the boys who escaped the war in Sudan
What did they build in Nya's village?
a school and a well
Name one thing Salva had to adjust to in America.
the cold weather, the language, his new family
In chapter 14, Salva got chosen to go to ____________.
Rochester, New York
Why is Nya not happy about the water they found?
it is dirty/muddy
Name one danger when Salva was being chased out of the Ethiopian refugee camp.
crocodiles, being shot at, drowning in the river
After the Ethiopian refugee camp, Salva went to __________.
mourn means...
to feel sorrow for (usually regarding sadness about death)
scavenge means...
to look for, to collect
isolated means...
alone, far away from anything
Why was Michael important to Salva?
he taught him English and how to play volleyball
Which tribe is the enemy of the Dinka tribe (Salva's tribe)?
Nuer tribe (Nya's tribe)
Name one of Ms. Pulzone's cats.
Bear and Suki
My evidence needs to support my __________.
What is the point of reasoning?
Reasoning explains the evidence and ties it back to the claim.
What are rebels?
people fighting against the government
What are they fighting over in the civil war?
religion (Islam)
About how old is Salva at the beginning of the book?
Why was Uncle killed?
He was shot by the Nuer (enemy) tribe because he was the leader.