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Natural Science

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mammals´ babies develop inside of their mother´s womb and are born as live offspring. This means mammals are _______________.
What body covering does an ostrich have?
Name 6 animals and/or plants that you may find in a Rainforest habitat.
Jaguar, monkey, sloth, banana tree, lizard, toucan, etc.
Name 6 animals and/or plants you may find in an Ocean habitat.
Shark, dolphin, fish, algae, jellyfish, anemone... etc.
Name 5 different animal habitats?
Desert, Ocean, Savanna, Rainforest, Forest, Farm, etc..
Some animals, like sharks, reproduce using eggs that hatch inside of the mother´s body. They are called ________________.
Animals use their 5 senses to learn about their environment. This process is called ____________________.
What is the difference between herbivores and carnivores?
Herbivores eat only plants, carnivores eat only meat.
_________________ break down dead plants and animals into simpler parts or substances (for example, bacteria).
Invertebrates like insects, spiders, and snails are protected by a hard outer shell called an ______________.
What body covering do reptiles have?
Animals who do not have an internal skeleton or backbone are called ______________.
Animals that reproduce by laying eggs are called _________________.
__________________ are animals that eat the remains of dead or injured animals.
What body covering do fish have?
What are the 5 types of vertebrates?
Mammals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, and Amphibians