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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Renewable energy (use) ______ as much as possible.
will be used
She (play) ________ with her son at 7:00 o'clock tonight.
will be playing
When Bill gets home, his children (play)_________ in the yard.
C. will be playing
__________ Tom was a poor student, he studied very well. A. Although B. In spite of C. Despite of D. But
A. Although
I am not going to watch it. It sounds really (bore) _______.
I was (amaze) _______ to hear that Simon got married.
Newton (read) ________ scientific books when being a boy.
A. used to read
_______ coffee is this? - It's mine. A. Who B. Which C. Whom D. Whose
D. Whose
In America, Halloween is one of two most important _________ holidays of the year.
___________ energy is produced by collecting sunlight and converting into electricity.
Biogas can be used to _________ natural gas in cooking and heating. A. use up B. replace C. pollute D. install
B. replace
Many people love to watch _______ films although this type of movie brings intense fear.
In Vietnam, the most basic ________ is to move on the right side of the road. A. traffic signs B. traffic jam C. traffic rule D. traffic lamp
traffic rule
Travelling by public transport is an effective way to ________ the environment.
Many people love to watch ________ films although this type of movie brings intense fear.
Denny woke up late and missed the _________ to the school this morning. A. vehicle B. station C. bus D. seat
C. bus
Tet is the time for ___________ to gather and share memorable moments. A. colleagues B. classmates C. neighbors D. family members
D. family members
A. crooked B. finished C. named D. watched
C. named
A. play B. many C. day D. way
B. many
A. head B. bread C. dead D. break
D. break
A. bored B. owned C. played D. looked
D. looked
A. washed B. needed C. danced D. matched
B. needed