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Living Things

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Describe the life cycle of a kangaroo.
Baby kangaroo is born and lives in mother's pouch, drinking milk, then comes out when more developed. A young kangaroo is called a __________.
Describe the life cycle of a frog. Big points!
You must mention - eggs, tadpole living in the water, froglet, frog living on land...
Name two organisms that go through metamorphosis.
Frog, butterfly - and others! What does metamorphosis mean?
What do we call the unborn offspring as they are still developing inside the mother?
An embryo, or foetus!
Where are female sex cells found?
What are plant sex cells called?
Describe how a plant can reproduce asexually.
It can grow side shoots, which then grow roots and make their own plant! Or a person might take cuttings.
What is the male part of the flower called?
The stamen! It consists of the anther and filament, where you will find the pollen - the pollen contains the male sex cells.
What is the female part of the flower called?
The pistil is a plant's female part. It generally is shaped like a bowling pin and is located in the flower's center. It consists of a stigma, style and ovary.
In asexual reproduction, what do the offspring look like?
They are clones of the parent!
A disadvantage of sexual reproduction is that a plant can reproduce more quickly. TRUE or FALSE?
An advantage of asexual reproduction is that only one parent is required to make new plants. TRUE or FALSE?
What do we call the hard shell in which a caterpillar changes into a butterfly?
Pupa or chrysalis
Who is Jane Goodall?
A researcher who studied chimpanzees in Africa.