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#1 - 3 Indians involved in the Battle of Little Big Horn
Crazy Horse, Gall, Sitting Bull
#2 - 3 jobs a cowboy might have on the cattle drive
trail boss, point man, swing man, flank man, drag man, wrangler, cook
#3 - 2 famous trails for cattle drives
Sedalia Trail, Chisholm Trail, Goodnight-Loving Trail, Shawnee Trail
#4 - 3 groups that clashed with the cowboys
homesteaders, Indians, sheepherders, horse thieves and cattle rustlers
#5 - What happened to Indians that did not resist the government and army taking over their land?
They became wards of the government. (protection, money)
#6 lots of land the government set aside for Indians to live on
#7 What did the Dawes Act do?
It wanted to assimilate the Indians into American life. It gave them 160 acres to farm.
#8 invented an easy way to make barbed wire
Joseph Glidden
#9 - 2 men that influenced the meatpacking industry
Philip Armour and Gustavus Swift
#10 - 1 famous lawman of the West
Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, Tom Smith, Allan Pinkerton, Bill Tilghman
#11 - 1 famous outlaw of the West
Bill the Kid, Jesse and Frank James, Black Bart, the Dalton Gang
#12 - 3 problems the cowboys had
taxation by the Indians, drop in meat prices, overgrazing, extreme weather, barbed wire, sheepherders, horse thieves and cattle rustlers, stampedes
#13 What animal did the Plains Indians depend on for their way of life?
#14 What did the meatpackers do?
shipped fresh meat in ice and sent them East on the railroads
#15 How did the Indians feel when the Dawes Act gave them their own 160 acres of land to farm?
They were not used to the idea of owning land; It was already their territory before the Dawes Act.; They got cheated out of it.
#16 What area of the West was the last to be settled?
The Great Plains
#17 What age group were most cowboys?
teen-young adult
#18 How did the Indians react to white settlement of the West?
#19 What kind of houses did homesteaders build on the prairies?
sod houses, dugouts
#20 What group of Americans did not like the gold standard?
Westerners (especially silver miners)
#21 After what event did the America go on the gold standard?
the Civil War
#22 What is the gold standard?
only printing money that is backed by (represents) gold
#23 - 3 problems for farmers/homesteaders on the Great Plains
soil erosion; no wood for housing, fires, fences; Indians; not enough rain; extreme weather; locust