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Vocabulary Automotive Industry

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It is a fuel, such as natural gas, coal, or oil, that is created through natural processes over millions of years.
fossil fuel
It is a type of hybrid vehicle in which the gasoline engine and electric motor can be used at the same time or separately to power the vehicle.
parallel hybrid
It is a type of hybrid vehicle that can be plugged into an electrical socket to charge its battery and has increased electrical storage capacity.
plug-in hybrid
It is a breaking system that recovers energy generated during breaking and stores it for use in the electric motor.
regenerative braking system
It is a machine that converts a different type of energy into electricity.
It is a type of rechargeable electrical storage device used in many hybrids.
lithium ion battery
It is a biodegradable, renewable fuel source that is made using vegetable oils, animal fat, or grease from restaurants.
It is a device that uses oxygen to convert energy from chemical fuels into electrical energy.
fuel cell
It is a measurement of gas mileage describing how many miles a vehicle can travel per gallon of gas.
mpg (miles per gallon)
To make something hotter or to increase something's temperature.
heat up
It is a small contained space where fuel is ignited before entering the main combustion chamber.
precombustion chamber
If something is ______________, it can withstand a lot of use and stress.
To ________ a source of fuel is to be powered by it.
run on
It is a place within an engine where fuel is compressed and ignited.
combustion chamber
It is a device that forces fuel into the combustion chamber.
fuel injection pump
It is a device in some diesel engines that heats the air in the combustion chamber when the engine is cold.
glow plug
It is the part of a four-stroke engine that houses the valves and often contains passages for transferring excess heat away from the engine.
cylinder head
It is a type of engine commonly used in cars, aircraft, and other machinery. It cycles through four stages, or strokes, called intake, compression, power, and exhaust.
four stroke engine
It is a ring that seals the cylinder head to maintain the proper pressure inside the cylinder and prevent substances from leaking in or out.
head gasket
It is the stage in the four-stroke cycle in which a piston moves to the bottom of the cylinder and makes room for fuel and air to enter the cylinder. Fuel and air are forced in through the intake valve.
intake stroke
It is a rod that connects the piston to the crankshaft.
connecting rod
It is the bottom part of the engine surrounding the crankshaft.
A device that uses electricity to create a spark to ignite the fuel.
spark plug
A cylindrical plug that moves up and down in the cylinder during combustion.
piston ring