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BFF B _Module 4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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4. He ____a model plane on Fridays. (never / make)
4. He never makes a model plane on Fridays.
My mother _____to work on Mondays. (always/ drive)
My mother always drives to work on Mondays.
My cousins________us at the weekend. (sometimes/ visit)
My cousins sometimes visit us at the weekend.
We ____(visit) our granparents on Sunday.
We visit our granparents on Sunday.
_____they ____(take) the bus to school every day?
Do they take the bus to school every day?
He _______(put) out fires.
He puts out fires.
_____he _____(grow) fruit and vegetables? No, _______
Does he grow fruit and vegetables? No, he doesn't.
They______(not / help) animals. They are farmers.
They don't help animals. They are farmers.
____she_____(put) out fires? No, ______
Does she put out fires? No, she doesn't.
_____she______ (do) her homework in the afternoon? Yes, _______
Does she do her homework in the afternoon? Yes, she does.
Say what comes next : September, October, ......
Say what comes next : spring, summer,.......
Say what comes next : tenth, eleventh,.........
Say what comes next : March, April,......
Say what comes next : first, second,.......
Say what comes next : winter, spring, ........
Say what comes next : June, July,........
Say what comes next : January, February,........
What's the job?
What's the job?
police officer
What's the job?
What's the job?
What's the job?