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Relationships #2

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 ways of meeting someone?
online, going out, work, apps, mutual friends, the pub, gym etc etc
What is are "negotiables" in a relationship - what does that mean?
things that you are willing to compromise on?
What is a feminist?
someone who believes in equal rights between genders
What is toxic masculinity?
when men feel like they have act a certain way - tough/not showing emotions
what does consent mean?
someone giving permission/agreeing to something happening
name 3 types of none verbal communication
body language, sign, gesticulation, eye contact.....etc etc
How much of our communication is none verbal? approximately.
What does harassment mean?
unwanted persistent attention?
When do you know you're exclusive within a relationship?
When you've agreed and communicated this with each other
What does exclusive mean?
Its when you have agreed that you are only with the person(s) within your relationship dymanic
what is the difference between "dating" and being "in a relationship?
Dating is getting to know someone, maybe your not exclusive and being in a relationship is being committed in a particular way to that relationship
What does "to date" someone mean?
to go and spend time with someone, doing activities and such to get to know someone.
Name 2 ways to develop a relationship?
asking question, spending time, showing interested, emotionally supporting them....etc etc
What is pride? what does it mean?
It is for the LGBTQ+ - to raise visibility awareness and equal rights
What does "Boundaries" mean in a relationship?
The lines we draw with others for ourselves for our own sake - for emotional well being
Name 3 things that make communication difficult?
anxiety, disability, ability (examples are fine), connection....etc...etc
Name three kinds of different relationships?
platonic, romantic, professional, with society and with yourself
What does a green flag mean?
Its an expression that someone is showing good signs that are positive in a relationship
What does "red flag" mean?
It's an expression that is used to describe a warning sign that someone is doing something that could be problematic
Name 3 ways you can communicate with someone?
letter, phone, text, face to face, sign, brail.....etc
Why is communication important in a relationship?
to help understand and share emotions and so you can develop your relationship
What is a romantic relationship?
A relationship that is often sexual - but can be close and intimate mutual affection and emotional closeness