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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is inside a class contract?
DOs, DON'Ts, good habits, rules, signatures (students and teachers).
What is the term for the act of avoiding to get in contact with people (being too close to them)?
Social distancing.
What are the 4 times you absolutely need to wash your hands?
Before/after lunch, before/after going to the restroom, before/after going in/out of class, before/ after coming to school.
What is the best way to sneeze or cough?
WITHOUT removing your mask and by placing your elbow in front of mouth/nose.
What should you do if you feel unwell at school?
Tell your teachers
What do you do if you feel unwell before coming to school?
Tell your parents.
What are 2 good rules of thumb when it comes to COVID prevention?
Avoid touching your face or SCRATCHING YOUR NOSE and wash your hands regularly with soap (every 2 hours)
T/F: You need to get your temperature checked before coming inside the school.
T/F: your parents can come inside the school.
What are 3 unacceptable behaviors in class?
Name 3 qualities that are important to show in class.
Give the definition of the word "cooperation".
If you do not understand something during a lesson, you... (list 3 things you should do)
What makes a great classroom? (Name 5 things).
FIND THE ODD ONE OUT: raising your hand, taking notes, asking questions, eating waffles under your desk, trying to answer.
Eating waffles under your desk
Besides a smile, what do you need at all time on your face?
Name 3 things you need in your school bag?
Where can you NOT eat snacks?