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Ch 4 Ecosystems

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What do organisms use the energy for that they get from what they consume?
grow, move, daily activities, and reproduce
Why does climate determine a biome?
Climate determines the types of species that will grow and attract animals that eat them. The temperature also determines which animals can survive if extreme
Why must an ecosystem have decomposers?
to break down organisms and help return their energy back to the soil that producers use to get nutrients.
Which biome receives less that 25 cm a year and has large temperature shifts every day?
How much energy is transferred from one organism to another when eaten?
What is the name of the diagram that is used to show the transfer of energy throughout a food chain?
energy pyramid
Bacteria and fungi are categorized as what in an ecosystem?
Oak, maple, and beech trees are found in which type of forest?
What gas is released from producers during the process of photosynthesis?
Second level consumers can be what two types of consumers?
carnivores or omnivores
First level consumers can be what two types of consumers?
herbivores or omnivores
Which organisms capture energy from sunlight to make food?
Which biome is populated with many grasses with a few shrubs and trees?
What determines the number of species of plants and animals that live in an area?
Give me an example of an ecosystem and what it includes.
any area that includes an exchange of energy through the consumption of producers and organisms. also includes abiotic factors that support the organisms.
Which biome will you find the largest animals?
The eastern side of the US is made up mostly of what biome?
deciduous forest aka temperate forest
Which biome has the greatest biodiversity in plants and animals?
rain forest
Which biome has permafrost?
Which two biomes are similar in rainfall?
desert and tundra
Ecosystem where freshwater of a river meets the ocean
what areas are not part of any major biome?
mountains and ice
The first organism in a food chain is always a
Vultures, that feed on dead organisms, are considered to be
consumers that eat both plants and animals
overlapping food chains in an ecosystem make up a
food web
Name the 4 types of freshwater ecosystems
ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams
A group of land ecosystems with similar climate and organisms is called
a biome
An organism that can make its own food is called
a producer
If a cat eats a mouse that at grass, what does that make the cat?
A second level consumer