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Everything Transition with Lisa Brown

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many hours is considered full time employment
32 - 40 hours
How many hours is a part time job?
15 - 20
Tell me 3 ways to get a job
Do the best you can at your WBL site, look on the internet, network with friends and family
If you don't know something the employer asks, is it ok to make it up?
Absolutely not. Honesty is always the best policy. Tell the truth
What should you do if the interviewer asks you a question that you don't know?
You can ask them to restate it or tell them the truth. If you don't know something, you can always find out and get back to them.
What 3 things are really important to do before going on an interview?
Shower, brush your teeth, dress appropriately
What should you do before you give an employer a reference?
Ask the person you want to use as a reference first
What are references?
People who know you well and can tell an employer about your skill set
What is the most important thing on a resume?
Your skills
What do you do if you see someone picking on someone that you care about
Answers will vary
Who should I talk to online?
Only people that you know or your family knows really well
Is it ok to ask strangers for their address and/or phone number?
What should you do if someone you care about is mean to you?
Tell them that they hurt your feelings and be honest. Do it in private thought
What are the 4 areas of Transition
Education, Training, Employment and Independence
What can an employer ask in an interview?
your name, your interests, your hobbies, your work history, volunteer history
What 3 things should always be on an application
name, address, phone number,