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Natural Science

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is an invertabrate with a soft body?
A worm, a slug
Are fish viviparous or oviparous?
What are the 4 ways vertabrate animals can move?
They can fly, slither, swim, and walk
Where does a worm live?
In the soil
Feather, fur, and scales are all examples of?
Vertabrate body coverings
Do invertebrates have a skeleton?
A zebra, a cow, and a bee do not have sharp teeth. They only eat plants. They are examples of?
Mammals are _____? They come from their mothers womb.
I am an invertabrate carnivore that lives on land. I am oviparous.
I am a spider
I am a vertabrate that lives in the water. I am an omnivore with scales.
I am a fish