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Life in Ayutthaya

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What is the highest class within the society of Ayutthaya ?
Kings and high ranking members of Royal family
what is the lowest class within the society of Ayutthaya ?
Give the five classes in the society of Ayutthaya 
King &Royal Family, Aristocrats, Monks, Commoners, Slaves
They acted both as teachers and coordinator
What is the center of education in Ayutthaya ?
Which religion played an important part  in the society of Ayuthhaya ? 
Ayutthaya's main income was from _________
export of agricultural products
This department was founded to control the trade with foreigners
Foreign Affairs Department
Name the countries that trade products in the Ayutthaya Kingdom ?
China, India, Iran, Japan, Ryukyu Islands
What is the main agricultural product of Ayutthaya ?
He combined the military and civil section during the Late Ayutthaya period
King Pha Phet