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EP3 Quarter 4 Review-Bravery of Thai Ancestors

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did the villagers of Bang Rachan make using melted farming tools?
A cannon
In which province did the Battle of Bang Rachan happen?
Singburi Province
Who was King Naresuan's enemy in the Great Elephant Battle?
Prince Mingyi Swa
In which year did the Great Elephant Battle take place?
1593 CE
Who was the last king of Ayutthaya?
King Ekkathat
Which kingdom were the villagers of Bang Rachan defending?
Who did the villagers of Bang Rachan fight against?
The Burmese
What is a draft animal?
An animal used to aid in work or labor.
Which dynasty did King Naresuan belong to?
Sukhothai Dynasty
Where was King Naresuan born?
Why do we study heroes from the past?
To remember their accomplishments and sacrifices
What is a hero?
A person admired for great deeds or fine qualities.
What are ancestors?
Those who have come before us, usually long ago in the past.