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6NPTA_U9_Possessive adjectives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Each owner is responsible for ITS dog.
Each owner is responsible for THEIR dog.
It's my cat and IT'S name is Tuka.
It's my cat and ITS name is Tuka.
He telephone number is 010-43254.
HIS telephone number is 010-43254.
You and Mike have friends. OUR friends are nice.
You and Mike have friends. YOUR friends are nice.
Brian and Mary like HIS new teacher.
Brian and Mary like THEIR new teacher.
We are from Switzerland. HIS country is famous for chocolate.
We are from Switzerland. OUR country is famous for chocolate.
Do you know my friend Anna? THEIR house is close to the park.
Do you know my friend Anna? HER house is close to the park.
The lion has three cubs. MY cubs are playing under a big tree.
The lion has three cubs. ITS cubs are playing under a big tree.
This book has your name on it. Is it ITS book?
This book has your name on it. Is it YOUR book?
I love cartoons. HIS favorite cartoon is Dragon Balls.
I love cartoons. MY favorite cartoon is Dragon Balls.