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Fairy Tales

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who knows how to spin straw into gold?
What were the Brothers Grimm's first names?
Jacob and Wilhelm
Who appeared in the Little Match Girl's dream?
Her grandmother
What does the princess in "The Frog Prince" do to the frog to change him back to a human?
Kiss him
What is Beauty's real name in Beauty and the Beast?
Who does the Gingerbread Man escape from first?
A little old man and a little old woman
What fell on Henny Penny's head?
An accorn
In the tale of "Rumplestiltskin", what does the miller's daughter do?
Spins straw into gold
What did the seven dwarves do for a living?
Who casts the spell so that Sleeping Beauty will sleep for 100 years?
The Snow Queen inspired which hugely successful Disney film?
What is the name of the cricket in Pinocchio?
Jiminy Cricket
What fruit does the wicked queen poison in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?
An apple
What does Cinderella leave behind in her rush to leave the ball?
Her glass slipper
What is the witch’s house made from in Hansel and Gretel?
What does Jack exchange for the magic beans in Jack and the Beanstalk?
A cow
Who tricks The Gingerbread Man by offering to carry him across the river?
A fox
What lives under the bridge in Three Billy Goats Gruff?
A troll
Name at least 5 of the 7 dwarfs.
Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy, Dopey
What sort of animal is The Ugly Duckling?
A swan
Which little pig is the smartest?
The third little pig
Why did Little Red Riding Hood go to visit her grandmother?
Her Grandmother was sick
What are the names of Cinderella's step sisters?
Drizella and Anastasia
What is sleeping beauty's name?
Princess Aurora
What are the names of Cinderella's step sisters?
Drizella and Anastasia
How does Aladin travel?
Magic Carpet
In what story do they say, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"
Snow White
Who blew down the three little pigs houses?
The Big Bad Wolf