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St. Patrick's Day

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Name two landmarks that turn green for St. Patrick's Day.
What is one of the main reasons for the large Irish population in the United States?
Immigration due to the famine.
Why is St. Patrick's Day so popular in the United States?
Because it has a large Irish population.
What is the population of Ireland? 500,000 ...... 5 million ........... 50 million
5 million
How many people in America claim to have Irish heritage (roughly)? ....... 3.1 million.....310,000.......31 million..
31 million
Where is the biggest St. Patrick's Day parade?
New York, USA
What city dyes its river green for St. Patrick's Day?
What are the three colors of the Irish flag?
Green, white, and gold
Where was the first St. Patrick's Day parade?
Florida, USA
How many leaves are considered lucky on a clover?
A three leaf clover is considered lucky, true or false?
What is the capital city of Ireland?
Which animal did St. Patrick expel from Ireland?
Where was St. Patrick born?
He was born in Britain.
What happened to St. Patrick when he was a young boy?
He was kidnapped and taken to Ireland.
What day/date is St. Patrick's Day celebrated?
It is celebrated on March 17th