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The World, Africa and it's Cities

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a border?
A border is a real fence or imaginary line that surrounds land that belongs to a person, country or province
What is a landlocked country?
A country that is surrounded by land - it has no access to the sea.
What is a capital city?
A city that usually hold the offices and meeting places of the government.
What is the name of the largest city in Egypt?
What is the capital of Swaziland?
What two neighbouring countries to the North of South Africa are landlocked?
Botswana and Zimbabwe
What is the name of the country that is found on the North Western border of South Africa?
How many countries does the continent of Africa have?
What is the Capital of Kwa Zulu Natal?
What is the capital of Gauteng?
In what country would we find the large city of Lagos?
Where is the Red Sea located?
North East of Africa between Africa and Asia
What neighbouring country is surrounded by South Africa?
What is the name of this continent?
What is the name of this continent?
What is the name of the island that is a country that belongs to Africa?
What Sea is found to the north of Africa?
Mediterranean Sea
What Ocean is found to the West of Africa?
Atlantic Ocean
In what Province will your find South Africa's Judicial capital?
Free State
What is South Africa's Legislative Capital?
Cape Town
What is South Africa's Administrative Capital?
What Ocean would you cross to get from Africa to Australia?
Indian Ocean
What Continent is coloured Orange in this map?