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A stranger in the past (PART 2)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the meaning of "bones"?
How did Thomas know his other life wasn't a dream?
Because he recognised the house, the entrance to the boom shelter and Jenny in Liverpool.
Did William take the train to Cumbria?
Yes, he did
How do you say "HERIDO" in English?
What's the name of William's father?
Peter Rayner
How do you say "REFUGIO" in English?
Was there a toilet inside Mrs Rayner's house?
No, there wasn't. It was outside in the yard
There weren't any ........... in the shelter.
William went to Liverpool by.......
Describe Thomas' mother
She has blonde hair and blue eyes.
How do you say "camión" in English?
What is the meaning of WHEELCHAIR?
Silla de ruedas
Why was Mrs Rayner crying?
Because the boy didn't recognise her.
What is the name of the Nurse?
Nurse Rivers
How did the boys recover from polio?
They have to learn walking again with some metal supports.
What is polio?
An illness
What is the name of the hospital?
Royal Victoria hospital
What did the boy discover when he woke up?
He was in hospital