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Granny's Candies

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are "games" used for?
playing video games
What is a "Traffic Light" used for?
directing traffic
What is a "chisel" used for?
to break ice
What is "gum" used for?
for chewing
What is a "dictionary" used for?
to look up meaning of words
What is "soap" used for?
to clean or wash
What is a "knife" used for?
to cut food
What are "crayons" used for?
for drawing
What is a "kite" used for?
for flying
What is a "musical instrument" used for?
for making music
What is a "life jacket" used for?
to float
What is a "stadium" used for?
to watch a game
What is "gasoline" used for?
to power a car
What is a "clock" used for?
to tell time
What is an "elevator" used for?
to move to a floor in a building
What is a "closet" used for?
to keep clothing
What is a "scale" used for?
to weigh yourself
What is a "globe" used for?
to look for countries
What is a "Wallet" used for?
to hold your money
What is "broom" used for?
to sweep the floor
What is a "compass" used for?
to find you way
What is a "napkin" used for?
to wipe your face
What is an "airplane" used for?
to fly in the sky
What's it use for "telephone"?
to call someone