Edit Game
Vocabulary 3 unit 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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well: in a good or satisfactory manner
adjective: Business is going well.
dangerous: full of danger or risk
adjective: The snake is dangerouse.
excited: stirred emotionally
verb: An excited crowd awaited the arrival of the famed rock group.
allow: to give permission to or for
verb: No swimming allowed.
high shelsve: a thin slab of wood, metal, etc.
subject: There are high shelves, in my house.
snacks: a small portion of food or drink or a light meal
subject: I love snaks.
hopscotch: a children's game in which a player tosses or kicks a small flat stone.
subject: I love playing hopscotch.
take a nap: sleeping for a short time
verb: He tried to take a nap.
worse: bad or ill in a greater or higher degree
adjective: That show is worse.
sooner: within a shorter period
adverb: That day will come sooner than you think.
more slowly: in a slow manner at a slow speed
adjective/adverb: The teacher says, please be more slowly.
more quietly: in a quiet manner
adjective: The nurse speaks more quietly.
more quickly: with speed rapidly very soon
adjective/adverb: My trainer allways says more quickly.
more loudly: having exceptional volume or intensity
adjective/adverb: They are more loudly on Saturday.
later: occurring, coming, or being after the usual or proper time
adverb: You allways come later than your teacher.
harder: not soft solid and firm to the touch
adjective: My brother works harder than his partners.
faster: moving or able to move, operate, function, or take effect quickly
adverb: The jet is faster than the car.
earlier: so as to precede something in order of time
adverb: He arrived earlier that me
better: adjective, comparative of good, with best as superlative.
adjective: I am better today than yesterday.