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Musculoskeletal System

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What can we do to look after your musculoskeletal system?
Sit with good posture
What can we do to look after your musculoskeletal system?
Stretch after doing sports.
What can we do to look after your musculoskeletal system?
Warm up before doing sports.
What can we do to look after your musculoskeletal system?
Don't carry heavy things.
What can we do to look after your musculoskeletal system?
Eat food with calcium.
What can we do to look after your musculoskeletal system?
Get enough sleep.
What connects the muscles to the bone?
True or False. We don't use our Musculoskeletal system to eat.
What's an example of a muscle that moves automatically?
True or False. We can move all our muscles.
False. We can move some of our muscles.
True or False. Elbows and knees are joints.
It connects two bones.
They are elastic and flexible.
They are rigid and hard.
How many bones does the human body have?
206 bones
What consists the musculoskeletal system?
Bones, muscles, and joints.
What are the functions of the musculoskeletal system?
To move, eat, speak, etc.