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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The image shows an early model of ... a washing machine or a mixer?
Washing machine
The world's first photograph was taken in 1826 by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce. True or False?
The wind muff ( a foam ball used on microphones) was invented by the Portuguese engineer Jaime Filipe. True or False?
When and where did the first radio news broadcast take place? In 1920, in Detroit, USA, or 1910 in Berlin, Germany?
In 1920, in Detroit, USA.
When was this hairdryer popular, during the 1920s or 1930s?
During the 1920s...It took up to 10 hours to complete hair drying and perming. Still, it was great 20th-century technology...
When did the Scottish engineer, John Baird, give the first demonstration of television? 1943 0r 1927?
In 1927, in central London, before 50 scientists.
Who invented the refrigerator, James Harrison in 1856 or Gutenberg in 1440?
The Australian James Harrison in 1856.
When was the vacuum cleaner invented, in 1901 or in 1920?
In 1901, by Hubert Cecil Booth, a British engineer.
Who invented the microwave, Percy Spencer or JL Baird?
Percy Spencer
Who invented the electric iron, Henry Seely or Percy Spencer?
Henry Seely
Who developed the first automated dishwasher? Joel Houghton or Josephine Cochrane?
Josephine Cochrane